Stop Holding Yourself Back! Take Risks to Bloom.

Time to Get Rid of all the Negativity so you can blossom!

Wayne Dupree
3 min readNov 24, 2013

For many years, I have been living to the tune of never letting anyone see the pain that I was going through because even though it brings help in the form of friends it brings negativity in the form of enemies. My happiness “bubble” has gotten me through so much at various times.

Sure I have cried, even balled but I always felt it didn’t help me or would help me to show that on the outside. For some people, they would scoff at dealing with situations like I did but I am fine or I feel fine anyway.

One of the main things that I try not to do these days is allow people to “rent space in my head.” I made the decision to stay away from environments that didn’t serve my purpose. I intentionally wanted to hang around those that were positive and encouraging. Not to the point I needed to hear I was always doing a good job but positive atmosphere produces positive results.

I drive for long periods since I work a distance away from home so I get a lot of “me” time where I sit and reflect. I have been doing this for over 12 years so it’s great. I leave my problems on the long road and 95% of the time, I don’t take it to work or bring it home. I utilize this time as my “Focus Time.”

I have learned to live in a yes/no world. Again, this might not fit your state but it works in mine. You see, the word “maybe” leans toward no. It’s a pretty way of saying no but actually it’s worse because you keep the requester hanging on a string. No, just give me a yes or no state and I won’t show feelings. I would rather have someone tell me no so that I can find a quicker solution than to have someone tell me yes and can’t do it.

Oh yes, learn to say no. You can’t be everything to everyone and you can’t limit your own dreams but living someone else’s. Sometimes we don’t want to miss out or let others down, so we say “Yes” instead of “No.” But this will quickly lead to a case of burnout.

Saying “no” to those things that aren’t that essential will open up the way for those more important opportunities to take priority.

These things have helped me take risks I would have never thought of doing a few years ago. My mindset is ready to fly fast and high! I am so ready to meet the next challenge and make the result a beneficial one for myself and whomever tags along. Sure there will be bumpy roads and everything that glitters is not gold but you won’t know unless you take the leap.

You have to decide like I did, are your dreams worth it? Do you believe in them enough to launch out into the deep to swim? Things get tougher when you get older for a reason. They build character and strength to lift you to another plain for your trials and tests.

I did it. You can too.



Wayne Dupree

Proud Father of three! CPAC Blogger Of The Year; Award-Winning Podcast; Use promo code WAYNE on;